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WinTiles Plus

Automatically organizes opened windows can edit the various.


"Automatically organizes various open windows will provide."
zagruzit.com Editor: Unleash the full potential of Windows. Many ideas are on the windows WinTiles to look good, but you can work with several windows are based on great! Desktop automatically arranges windows in a customizable way. Multiple programs
Desktop organization.
Rotate the best layout and increase window size to select the window!
Choose one of the positions in the window to select the best possible layouts.
Cascade your desktop windows.
Tile your desktop windows.
View programs at the same time.
Variable window arrangements. Many programs with multiple windows at the same time to work.
One screen of data to compare different views.
Facilitate editing and version control.
Maximize productivity and increase efficiency.
Simplify drag and drop, cut and paste. Now you can download free WinTiles Plus 1.2b.

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